Patient Stories

Patient Story - Avjit SinghAlone and far from home, cancer patient receives’ unwavering compassion’ from VCDS

Avjit Singh was so moved by the support he received from the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society, that he is now hosting a fundraiser to support the organization. We are honored to share his story.

“I moved from India to Canada five years ago, making Toronto my new home. In July 2023, I took a 15-day vacation to Vancouver, not knowing that cancer was developing in my body. Early in my trip, I became ill and was rushed to the hospital. After undergoing testing, the doctors determined I had stage 4 cancer … and needed immediate treatment. Due to my diagnosis, the doctors advised I was not able to fly and had to remain in B.C. for treatment.

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is challenging enough, but being away from home, lacking family support, and facing financial struggles made it even more difficult. I was uncertain about how I would manage the treatments and what the upcoming weeks and months would mean. That’s when my tech-savvy brother, living in Europe, discovered the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society (VCDS), which turned out to be a blessing.

For the seven months of my treatment, VCDS volunteers drove me to and from the hospital. Each volunteer I met was not just supportive but also incredibly inspiring. I’m usually shy and reluctant to ask for help, but during this tough phase of my life, their unwavering compassion and support were unforgettable. I am thrilled to share that as of December, I am cancer-free.

This experience with VCDS has motivated me to pay it forward. As I’m about to turn 30 next month, I’ve started a fundraiser for VCDS on my Instagram. Surprisingly, I reached my initial fundraising goal within just two days, so I’ve set a higher target, anticipating even more positive responses. My parents in India have been sharing my story and the support I received from VCDS with their extended family and friends, spreading awareness of VCDS’s incredible work across the globe.”



“I have been using VCDS rides several times now. I wish I had done it sooner, and taken some of the driving burden off my dear friends. Thank you Geni and Pat! You are exceptionally kind and selfless people.❤️True people pleasers! They follow all the protocols that keep me safe. They are a genuine gift! Thank you to all at VCDS.” Gratefully, Connie 

“I’ve had 4 different drivers in the last 3 months and each one of them had a positive attitude, excellent driving ability, were very punctual and respectful. In my time of need I couldn’t have asked for better service. It took a lot of my worries away regarding ‘how I’m going to get parking’ etc. I truly am so grateful to have this wonderful service in my community.”

 “I was just totally impressed with the love and help I got. The woman volunteer driver I had just jumped out of the car and opened my door. She was right there. It was nothing but love. And nurses in the hospital, the chemo nurses…they were just absolutely wonderful.” Elaine and Bruce Holmesdale 

“Every driver I have ever had with VCDS has been so friendly, compassionate, and on time. Thank you for providing this service. I appreciate the continued use of the driver’s wearing masks, as my immune system is delicate for germs.”  Kyla

“I am very grateful to the Volunteer Cancer Drivers. The Cancer Drivers have helped me immensely. They are kind, supportive, caring and a comfort in a time that much is needed.

During my son’s chemo treatments I was nervous and anxious. My driver always made me feel at ease and we always had a good laugh. It meant a lot to me that I could sit with my son and comfort him when he wasn’t feeling well. The drive to and from the hospital was never an uncomfortable one.

They continue to help take us to his appointments and check-ups. It’s a long drive to Vancouver from where I live, but my driver always does it with a smile. I don’t know how I could have done it or continue to do it, without their help and support.” Jaxon and Yvonne


“My husband and I have been touched by the generosity and kindness of all the drivers. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts”… Agnes

Patient stories touch the lives of many, and in our quest to improve and expand awareness of the service we provide, your story can make a difference. Please take a moment to share your Volunteer Cancer Drivers experience with us.

Picture of Nurse and Patient